Francesca Woodman (b. 1958, d. 1981)

Francesca Woodman was born on April 3, 1958.

Francesca Woodman is best known for her self-portraits, although she rarely reveals herself in them. She uses objects, obstructions, abstractions and blurriness to create a sense of the psyche. She usually poses nude of semi-nude, which adds to the ethereal nature of her images. She cares not for perfectly arranged framing, or clean backgrounds - on the contrary, she enjoys messiness and distorted frames. Her images feel like a view into her mind, her senses, her soul.

Francesca committed suicide on January 19, 1981.

After her death, she gained fame, and her images were appreciated much more than during her lifetime.


a cretan summer on 35mm


greek independence day on infrared film