photostories Thodoris Markou photostories Thodoris Markou

middle of nowhere

two months in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, with the olympus xa and a single roll of film.

even after all that rushing around, where we've ended up is the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. and maybe knowing isn't the point.

I always carry this little camera in my car, the olympus xa. sometimes I finish a roll in a couple of days, sometimes it takes months. I loaded this film in the beginning of november, finished it during christmas. I got a red/green/blue representation out of the images, which is kinda funny, considering it's a single roll of film. shame I didn't get more "blue" photos.

[olympus xa | rossmann 400 | november/december 2013 | quote by chuck palahniuk's choke]

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400'

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

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photostories Thodoris Markou photostories Thodoris Markou

a night at the summer cinema

a night at "Ellinis" summer cinema, trying to capture its mood.

 είναι κάτι νύχτες με φεγγάρι μες τα θερινά τα σινεμά νύχτες που περνούν που δε θα ξαναρθούν μ’ αγιόκλημα και γιασεμιά   there are some moonlit nights in the summer cinemas nights that move on never to return with honeysuckle and jasmine   [ellinis summer cinema | olympus xa | fuji provia 100f | june 2013 | lyrics by loukianos kilaidonis' "the summer cinemas"]



olympus xa | fuji provia 100f xpro

olympus xa | fuji provia 100f xpro

olympus xa | fuji provia 100f xpro

olympus xa | fuji provia 100f xpro



olympus xa | fuji provia 100f

olympus xa | fuji provia 100f



olympus xa | fuji provia 100f

olympus xa | fuji provia 100f

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photostories Thodoris Markou photostories Thodoris Markou

the big unknown

out in the big scary unknown, with the olympus xa and cross-processed fuji sensia 400.

people don't want their lives fixed. nobody wants their problems solved. their dramas. their distractions. their stories resolved. their messes cleaned up. because what would they have left? just the big scary unknown.   [olympus xa | fuji sensia 400 xpro | january/february 2013 | quotes by chuck palahniuk's survivor]

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

  you think maybe if you just work harder and faster, you can hold off the chaos, but then one day you're changing a patio lightbulb with a 5-year life span and realize how you'll only be changing this light maybe ten more times before you'll be dead.  

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

  reality means you live until you die. the real truth is nobody wants reality.  

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

olympus xa | fuji sensia 400

  and the sky is blue and righteous in every direction. the sun is total and burning and just right there, and today is a beautiful day. testing, testing, one, two-  

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on the road, photostories Thodoris Markou on the road, photostories Thodoris Markou


roaming in black and white, looking for clouds, rain, wind, silence.

"an agent is a system that is situated in some environmentand is capable of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in order to meet its design objectives."     "agent based modelling of calcium handling in cardiac cells", MSc dissertation, theodoros markou, university of sheffield, 2004/05         [mesogeia | various cameras | various fuji b/w films | november/december 2012]

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photostories Thodoris Markou photostories Thodoris Markou

a disjointed story is a form of psychotherapy.

note to viewer

photography is a form of psychotherapy. loading a roll of film in a camera, walking around, snapping away when you feel like it, not doing anything when you don't feel like it, finishing the roll after days or weeks, the mystery of the soon-to-be-developed images, the anticipation, the excitement.

the realisation that you shot so many different themes in just 36 frames. a disjointed feeling, how do all these fit together? how does your life fit together? so many different themes, sometimes.

how do you present them? do you wait months, years, for the themes to build up in order to unveil a finished product? or do you just present the images as they come, roll by roll, incoherent, incomplete?

photography is my psychotherapy. it keeps my mind ticking. I'll continue roll by roll, presenting loose, unconnected themes. some day I'll try to connect them, to make a cohesive story out of a million puzzle pieces. some day, hopefully, I will understand. some day I hope you'll understand, too.

all of the following images were shot on a single roll of fuji superia 400, with the olympus xa, during june 2012.

three parts, maybe two-and-a-half themes. oh, and there's one missing.


part I


part II


part III

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