a summer diary
...a toy camera summer diary, august 2011.
...a toy camera summer diary.vivitar ultra wide & slim loaded with expired polaroid 200 35mm film.
in the mountain villages above xylokastro
road tripping in eyvoia
in donousa
last frame to finish the roll before development
panoramic endeavors
...a little walk around with the vivitar pn2011 in panoramic mode.
...so, some months ago I came across another cheap plastic toy camera, named vivitar pn2011. it is nothing special, sporting a 28mm/f8 lens and a fixed shutter speed of ~1/125 sec, but it has a "panoramic" mode which, when selected, crops the 35mm frame to a panoramic aspect. I thought "what the hell, it's only 15$", so I got it.
when it arrived, I loaded it up with a roll of long-expired agfa apx 100 and took a couple of weeks to finish 24 exposures (I can never finish a roll on time, heh). developed the film, scanned it and then... forgot about it... until yesterday: as I was looking through my files to compile a new portfolio on urban landscapes, I came across this film, so I decided to clean up some frames and put them on my blog. On to the images now.
...first I took this little camera on a walking tour around marousi: kifissias avenue, agios thomas and the sideroads of attiki odos. didn't give a lot of thought to the stuff I was photographing, really, since I was trying to finish a roll as soon as possible and see the resulting images.
...and then we went to rafina, to explore the spring seaside - a lot of good images were waiting for me there but I was preoccupied with the lomographic society's upcoming "time machine" exhibition and I was trying to get the best out of my holga - the resulting image was a good compensation.
...aaaand, that's all folks. I don't think I'll keep this one, it's very similar (but less wide angle) to my vivitar ultra wide & slim, and I wasn't really impressed with the panoramic mode. It crops a lot of film and the remaining film area is not enough for a decent scan and big enough prints. I'd prefer to throw some hundred euros in the direction of a 6x9 medium format camera than cope with cropped 35mm film.
a stroll in the park
clean monday | 15/02/2010 | "Antonis Tritsis" park vivitar ultra wide & slim | fuji reala 100